Monday 6 February 2012

Maybe I'm Going Crazy.....

I think maybe I'm going crazy... With school starting next week, (grade twelve, final year, four pre-t's!) the organisation of a charity ball, (March 23rd) a placement at the examiner for a couple of days, (exciting!) trying to find a job, (so I can get a transfer to Hobart when I move at the end of the year) and just general life, I feel like my head is in a constant state of near implosion! I know, I know, first world problems, but I really am so stressed and crazy at the moment I think I might just be going senile, at the tender age of 17.... oh wait, I forgot my presentation to the Rotary (13th March, BY MY SELF.)

Forgive me for sounding like a spoiled brat but things just seem to be piling up on me. The Charity Ball is my biggest concern for now. My co-organiser and I are hoping to pull a crowd of around 100 people to support Karinya Young Women's Service. That's alot of people, what if the tickets don't sell? What if no-one has fun? What if..... so many worries, so little time! And the funding, the ball will run at an estimated cost of $500 I don't have $500 in my back pocket! That means putting on more events to get the money or alternativley begging for it of local bussinesses and Rotary clubs. Actually the Rotary Club of Central launceston has been a god-send. Craig, the guy who organises speakers came to me a couple of days ago and said;

"Hey Hannah, what if I could give you a way to raise more money to run the ball?"

"Do tell Craig...Please!"

"How's about you get some poeple to pick up litter at the cup?" (or the show? some Launceston event that is held before late March and has rubbish picking up oppurtunities!)

"That's a great idea! Send me the details if you need any more workers!"

<About two hours ago>

"So Hannah, can you get me ten adults by tommorow night?"

", 'Cause I can!....Easy....I Hope...."

Turns out not that many people are keen on the idea of picking up rubbish in front of their possible aquaintances for seven hours on no fee... But it's for charity so everyone should jump at the chance...Right?...RIGHT? Anyway I do remain hopeful! But ingeneral the whole charity abll thing has been going bonkers. I am becoming increasinly aware that there is less than two months till the actual night and I have no mney to actually run it! It's a scary bussiness.

Examiner Placement should be good. I want to be a journalist when I "grow up" so I am hoping that this placement will confirm my future pathway for me and also give me a foot in the door whe it comes to contacts and job-getting and such things. School, Who am I kidding, I'm not that feraked out about it really (this might change come exam time!) i am actually very keen for school to go back so I can see friends and do work and have very clear guidleines concerning what to do with my life once more. The Job, Oh that job hunting stuff. I felt so guilty asking my current boss for a reference! She's so kind and loving and amazing. Great pay, great hours, free food, Christmas and Easter presents...the list goes on. Only problem is that she is a private small bussiness. I need a chain store job...or do I? YES I do! It's so easy to just stop and ignore things I don't like/ want to do.... :)

So really I'm not that stressed and I think that maybe the ten adults before tommorow kinda prompted this post.... But oh well, Iget to vent online and you get to read me venting online. It's really a win win situation for all of us. 

Wish me luck! xx

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